Since you been asking about my diet. I am NOT on any. This is the way i live now.

This is my lifestyle. Daily mantra for the past …I wanna’ say 2 years and so….

—–My DIET—–simply the THINGS i eat and don’t eat just to make this one stick it is not a diet you are currently ON..it is the way i eat and plan to eat.

Low carb high fat

My daily carb intake is around 100 grams per day ( NOT MORE ) this is very crucial to be successful in it. I eat ONLY what’s allowed and I DO NOT eat what’s not allowed.

ONE RULE ONLY. if its on the EAT list you can eat it as much as you can. if its NOT – then it is absolute NO.

  • Eat: Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables growing above ground and natural fats (like butter).
  • DON’T: Sugar and starchy foods (like bread, pasta, rice, beans and potatoes).

A keto diet is well known for being a low carb diet, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It’s referred to as many different names –ketogenic diet, low carb diet, low carb high fat (LCHF), etc. When you eat something high in carbs, your body will produce glucose and insulin.

The most popular vinegar in the natural healthcommunity is Apple Cider Vinegar. It is claimed to lead to all sorts of benefits, some of which are supported by science. This includes weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and improved symptoms of diabetes.

DRINK every day mornings & evenings – 1 spoon with water of Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (like Bragg’s) also contains “mother,” strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky, cobweb-like appearance.

YOU CAN BUY IT HERE ; http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/shop/product/bragg-organic-apple-cider-vinegar-with-the-mother-60013385?skuid=013385&&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_adid=189474749514&utm_adgID=58700002322859892&gclid=CjwKEAjwjPXIBRDhwICRg-DbgHISJADP6QXpLXtJ5rmWHaBYOtzcse2w8zfN8BeA7sqZwdkHN_5c0BoCvAzw_wcB


…OK easy easy… remember your daily intake should be a 100gr of CARBS!!! 

Above you have a list and pictures for the visualisation of what YOU CAN EAT.

STILL NOT sure – turnaround any product to see the nutrition label – If it contains NO MORE than 5% of carbohydrates you can EAT IT. 


—–MY Fitness—-

5 days a week.

30 min treadmill – 15 min super quick walk / 15 min zombie run OR

30 min treadmill – incline 8p / speed 7

Weights – 4 x 12 ( 4 series x 12 repeats ) on 6 different machines  * arms, leg, abdominal

HOME – 4 x 30 sec planks, 85 squads, 85 sit-ups


6 days a week.

I use/wear – SWEATSAUNA fitness suit (it’s the overall #SWEATsuit I wear under my clothing)

I do wear it. I do sleep in it. I work out in it.

YOU CAN ORDER-in with myslef – JUST GET IN TOUCH VIA email.

FULL-on – SWEAT SUIT too loose weight and reduce cellulite – £45 + postage

CYCLE like SUIT – £32 + postage 

Cellulite/toning/slimming CREAMS body serums – 6 days a week after gym/shower – USED with BODY CELULITE ROLLES.

This is a quick – short SUMS-up of what I do every single day – even writing this POST …I am seating on the font of the PC and I do have SWEATSUIT ON me.

——-SMART PILLS——- my daily intake of vitamins supplements

Super K2


Pure Collagen

B Complex / B12

Ginko Billoba

Se-Menthyl ( L-Selenocysteine)


Vitamin C


Krill Oil

Vitamin A



Folinic Acid

AND ALL of the ABOVE is counted and measured by wearing a FITBIT bracelet – I DO NOT make a move without it!

ANY other questions… Am here!!!






  • #Cardio.
  • #Running
  • #FitLife
  • #Fitness
  • #FitnessAddict
  • #Healthylife


#fitness #gym



#beauty #fashion #style


3 thoughts on “#LCHF”

  1. Hi, i use to follow you in depop and buy things from you too. Somehow i lost my account but i do remember your web. Do you still sell clothes? Let me know i can buy from you again.



    1. Hi Milena yes of course 🙂 pls find me also on insta ‘ agidonna and FB Lift me Up wardrobe.
      I do sell constantly -my WARDROBE – is here in menu go to SHOP MY LOOK section and then ask me priv for password either via insta or fb pls xxx


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