Back to 70’s

liam neeson i will find you quote LMUW avs I will BUY YOUI had to have ONE!

Since I saw the model wearing it – in the newest campaign for H&M in the H&M catalogue that comes to my flat – I was on a edge of exploding I had to had one – immediately I JUMPED on my phone – to my H&M app to LOOK for this OFF-the-chart BAG ON TREND – yes yes freakishly expensive suede coat – at that moment I didn’t care I just wanted to HAVE IT … to try it …to see it… to touch it… 

199 hm suede camel leather trend coat

Naturally – it took me a while to FIND it – as you must know this about H&M search tool – if something is SOLD OUT you wont find it on the website trough the normal search – so I had to go around it…just to finally see this: 

How the hell this could be already SOLD out!!???

suede coat beige hm artcq5dam.web.1920.1280

H&M suede ON trend coat  £249.99  uk 18

And naturally this became one of those moments that usually happens to ONLY Liam Neeson.

liam neeson i will find you quote LMUW avs I will BUY YOU

 So I DID what I said.

I was so happy and strike by ‘fashiongazm’ that I bought 2.

One size 8 – wearing on the photos.

size 18 Uk – which would do for 12/14 maybe – very small fitting – £249.99 = YOU can buy this one from me – ONLY for another week!

ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0075ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0092ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0076ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0081ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0087

ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0112ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0134ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0099ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0097ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0096ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0088ss15 boho hippie bohemian suede lace up tigh high fringe tassel turquoise silver vintage tibetan LMUW -0076

 Hat: Ebay

Dress- H&M – available for purchase from me in JULY.

Coat – H&M – size 18 uk * 12 /14 fitting – £249 – size 8 uk – £120 ONLY – in JULY

Bag – Primark – available for purchase from me in JULY.

BOOTS – available at light-box and choice

Avs Lmuw – Lift Me Up Wardrobe in Social media  


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What I Wore Today (URL) –




06.11.14 @11.15 am – NEW update: Today is the day of  Alexander Wang fashion collaboration for H&M going LIVE at stores and for on-line shopping.

I managed to buy 🙂 not ONLY for myself… 


mine shopping are – and all WILL BE FOR SALE !

if someone wants to BUY THE WHOLE OUTFIT

I can sell it at £250 + postage 

separate prices are ;

THIS WILL BE available for sell by the end of DECEMBER


I am no big nor popular blogger. Once I’ve asked one of the on-line shopping company the @CHOIES if they can publish my pictures wearing their clothes on their website as I buy a lot of stuff from them. They do this ‘we need you BLOGGERS’ – ‘ we want youbloggers’ campaign and you can see MANY MANY MANY blogger – girls on their website showing their products. So I thought to myself – hey I am girl. I am a blogger and I do have plenty of their clothes – why not if  – THEY say – they want me ???

I asked if any of my pictures wearing their clothes can be published?

Their respond was devastating hahahah – NO. We are sorry but Your blog has no traffic whatsoever hence is not profitable for us to do so. 

BOOM – back to reality 😦


I am not YOUNG. NOR very pretty – well am ok looking  – NOT A MODEL though. I don’t have much ‘money-wise’ to let myself splash on designers names here and there and most likely be noticed this way and bring more traffic on my blog. Nor I have a rich daddy or friends in high-up places that can HELP ME OUT…

I can only satisfied myself with being AWESOME hahahahah … B U T – Being awesome wont bring you TRAFFIC to your blog and wont make you famous and popular.

I work hard. I am consistent. I am honest….and I think I HAVE the style of some sort.

So time to time I do those TRICKS 🙂 like today.

I knew ( well the WHOLE world knew ) about upcoming ALEXANDER WANG and HM fashion collaboration campaign THAT IS ABOUT TO GO ON-LINE – TOMORROW !!!

Time left is 22hrs.

I am a PROUD and very happy owner of ALEXANDER WANG boots for years now and also this super amazing AUTUMN Fashion 2013 studio PARIS collection STUDIO Penguin-like, tail style, black coat by H&M.

So I knew if I do publish post in which I can tag and hash-tag those 2 together I might get some traffic on my Bog as just simply by trending the same names and hashtagging that PARTICULAR – the same day as THEY DO.

Boots by Alexander Wang & Coat by H&M


let’s see if this ‘trick’ brings me more audience to my blog ?

 hm studio paris collection alexander wang Sigrid HM Paris Collection 5 alexander wang hm paris studio collection alexander wand hm lmuw avs Alexander Wang x HM LMUW AVSLMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0197 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0200 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0205 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0209 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0211 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0213 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0219 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0221 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0222 LMUW autumn ww14 fall alexanderwangxhm collection grey khaki green-0223

two piece set coord LMUW

Alexander Wang Sigrid Leather Over-The-Knee Boots – Black buy the same HERE THEY ARE NO ON SALE AT $299 – get yourslef a nice desinger pair of BOOTS – HERE  – I here and here – MINE are also bought on ebay few years back.

BOOTS similar here


Two piece set , coord , Hoodie zip jumper and wrap asymmetric skirt-  I have a black for sell size M ( i would say its more 12 ) BIG ON and loose on me – of you can BUY it yourself  here 

The beanie pom pom hat is my Primark £4.00 at stores now.

half palm gloves – BUY MANY COLOURS HERE 


#alexanderwang  #AlexanderWangXHM


Holiday season has almost began – well at least for me as in 10 days to be exact I will be flying away to the beautiful private villa in Sicily. 12 June here I come 🙂

I have been trying to gather some outfits just for that particular trip …so for the next 3 maybe even 5 posts I will give you my HOLIDAY outfits idea and the ‘REST’ of clothing  I will be posting straight form Sicily 🙂

This particular outfit literally scream ITALY …sun and seaside …and mamamiaaaa….. don’t you think ?

And because of that hat this makes this whole outfit even a little bit MAFIA like ?

LMUW goes to SICILY for holidays

Without further due – what am I wearing  and links of where to buy these things / Co mam na sobie i gdzie kupic : Panama straw hat ebay £9.99 , Bershka striped top with bandeau, £7.99 BUT IT here , MANGO navy blue biker jacket – the jacket price is £44.99 but in stores the jacket is on sale and it costs £29.99- BUT IT HERE  , H&M effortless summer navy stripes silky wide trousers new collection £14.99 – NOT YET on line but are already in stores ..HURRY UP they will be sold out soon…, white patent pointed heels by ZARA , £29.99 – zara shoes , Tommy Hilfiger navy blue bag – few years back in TK MAXX white sport Burberry watch, mirrored blue silver sunnies – EBAY £12.99.

984101_1411061755843745_5532626038425936027_n 10350636_1411061939177060_1238049053508360808_n 3982900422_2_4_1 bershka navy stripe crop top LMUW holiday

June 20141 June 20142 June 20143 June 20144 June 20145 June 20146

LMUW gisele sycily backless hold all girl is run-0016 LMUW gisele sycily backless hold all girl is run-0018 LMUW gisele sycily backless hold all girl is run-0019 LMUW gisele sycily backless hold all girl is run-0024


In every post I give a bit of myself TO YOU 🙂 I also try really hard to be UP – To – DATE with all fashion trends and get over to YOU all the TIPS i picked up here and there. As usual my goal is to be on a BUDGET so I usually shop SELL items and ON-Line to get all sorts of bargains… and most of all I tried to be practical and real to the environment I live in as I know the CATWALKS & COUTURE FASHION is way out of my reach also many presented OUTFITS on all those fashion shows are ‘unwearable’ in a ‘real world’ for REAL people who work from 9.00 – 17.00 or nights….who travel by tube or buses or simply walk to work.

I do this for REAL people for REAL girls who are also on a budget and don’t usually spend £3000 for a dress or £7.000 for a bag on one go.

I also live in London and MY SENSE OF STYLE must be adjusted to ;  The Rainy & Wet city , the city that never sleeps and everyone are in a HURRY, the city of a overcrowded, sticky and smelly tube.

Today I preprepared an OUTFIT suitable to office job as I would wear it to WORK.

Something hopefully classic and for all.

Featuring: H&M white peplum skirt on sale £15.00, H&M sheer black and white floral long sleeve blouse at £5.99, Black leather collar blazer by Crafted, ZARA ankle platform boots £39.99 , ZARA ‘maybe’ pearl star necklace – a PREZZIE from my girl MARIJKA, men a sport white Burberry watch, Rings are all from Ebay.

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W kazdym poscie staram sie pokazac wam sama siebie odrobinke wiecej I wiecej. Uwielbiam moja codzienna pogon za nowinkami modowymi ktore staram sie wam przekazac poprzez MOJ STYL i to jak lacze ciuchy.

Moj blog ma na celu pokazanie iz mozna sie ubrac fajnie I modnie za mala kase – na przecenach lub szukajac wyprzedazy w sklepach internetowych. Ja jestem TU po to aby tych rzeczy szukac I wam pokazywac – WY jestescie po to aby zgapiac – nasladowac – kopiowac lub PYTAC I prosic o pomoc w znalezieniu czegos 🙂

Moj Styl od czasu do czasu jest odjechany I wiem ze nie docieram do wielu sowimi pomyslami. Ale prawda jest taka ze jezeli ubieralabym sie jak miliony innych to MOJ blog nie mial by sesnu bo bym sie nie wyrozniala I nie byloby w tym nic specjalnego.

Jednakze moje drogie panie ten blog jest dla kazdej z was. Jestem po to aby inspirowac lub pomagac.

Moje zakupy sa bardzo przyziemne I na kazda kieszen.

Miejmy nadzieje ze dzisiejsza STYLIZACJA jest na tyle klasyczna I ‘spokojna’ aby dotrzec do tej bardziej klasycznej widowni a zarazem modna I warta pokazania aby zachaczyc oko I zapamiatac I przerobic to na swoj styl. 

Fur gilet

This #stylizacja #outfit #stylowka happened just by accident. *wersja polska na dole posta

I usually do 4 – 6 Max – outfits / stylowek photo -SHOOTS trough one day over the weekend… * My poor men – as he is the one behind the camera 🙂 THANK YOU MISIU xxx

I like to think I worked out the system of how to be as efficient as I can. I get up usually early morning 8.00 and drink a cup for coffee while checking the news, FB,Twitter, EBAY and other blogs ect. After my second or 3rd cup I start to get ready. I am preparing and matching all clothes with all necessary accessories and shoes and bags . I have a 360 view on ALL items of which I plan to make an outfits from as they are spread around my bedroom.

Sometimes nice accidents happens ….and this outfit what you will see below  – just happened like that by coincidence. Things were laying around.. I looked at it – I saw  it – I liked it and I put it together  – So pretty much the inspiration for this post were simply a HUGE MESS in my room but also as you would see TAKING out clothes from your wardrobe and just looking at them might give you a NEW fresh idea. ….. so PLEASE TRY THIS AT HOME or call me and I will come to your place and we will do it together!

Featuring: Navy Blue ankle leather shoes by ZARA, £49.00

FUR , H&M 2 years ago

Navy Blue brown beige tartan check skort by ZARA, £9.00

NAVY blue oversized Turtle neck by ZARA , sale at £7.00

Beige / MINK long gloves by River Island, £4.00

GEEK glasses, Camden Town Market, £5.00

Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0047 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0048 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0049

5114201009_1_1_1 ZARA NAVY DARK BLUE ANKLE BLOCK HELL BOOTS  LMUW AVSzara bloggers lmuw avs brown tartan skort Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0050 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0051 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0052 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0053 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0054 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0055 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0056 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0057 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0058 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0059 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0060 Blue Navy tartan check kimono hat pocket V neck dress LMUW -0061

Dzisiejsza stylowka jest zupelnie przypadkowa. Zdarza sie czasami ze ciuchy sie same ukladaja w jenda zgrabna calosc I nagle eureka cie ogarnia I wiesz ze bedzie dobrze wygladalo razem.

Jak bozia I warunki atmosferyczne sa przychylne udaje mi sie zrobic 4 – 6 max stylizacji w jeden dzien na weekend. Moj biedny facet musi latac z aparatem za mna w kazda sobote lub niedziele. Za to mu dziekuje po-stokroc!

Pracuje wg wlasnych ustalonych regul . I zazwyczaj to wyglada tak ze : wstaje raniutko robie sobie kawusie . sprawdzam maile. Newsy. Ogladam I czytam inne blogi. I po drugiej lub trzeciej kawusi zabieram sie za prace czyli przygotowywanie STYLIZACJI na zdjecia. Zazwyczaj mam zawsze 3 nowe stylizacje do zrobienia na 3 dni w tygodniu kiedy to publikuje posty ( pon, sr, pt). Wiec wyciagam wszystko z szaf ukladam kolorami , dodaje akcesoria, buty torebki, rozkladam wszystko na lozku lub tez rozwieszam  po pokoju abym mogla miec widok na wszystko.

I tak wlasnie z nikad pojawil sie pomysl na ta dzisiejsza stylowke. Kilka rzeczy ktore pochodzily z innych stylizacji nagle ukazaly mi sie w innym swietle.

Wiec nparawde czasami warto zrobic LEKKI BURDELIK w pokoiku aby wylansowac jakas fajna styloweczke o ktorej nawet nie mielismy pojecia ze tam jest.

Zapraszam. Sproboj w domku. Zrob to sama.

#BiB Big and Beautiful

I like big butts and I can not lie , You other brothers can’t deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist, I’m hooked and I can’t stop staring, Oh baby, I wanna get with you
And take your picture , My homeboys tried to warn me
But that butt you got makes me so horny….. RACHEL this is so an-propionate……!!!! hahahahah  

*wersja polska na dole posta

I know I know I promise no more long boring stories and no references and funny jokes – other than JUST FASHION .. ( but you know what I don’t know if can do that – sometimes I am inspired by fashion but sometimes I am inspired by other zillion things that are NOT related to fashion what then.. what ??? ..what…what… am confused now … Ok I decided I am not GONNA listen to others who are NOT a fashion GURU’s …am going to write what I like and how I like it…. till someone let say from VOGUE call me and say otherwise hahaha…

F R I E ND S  is my ICONIC show : click here to see what I am talking abt :

F.R.I.E.N.D.S – I like big butts by Ross and Rachel – YouTube


#BIB – Big and Beautiful and I am talking here abt this magnificent GREY oversized coat by H&M. Sweet baby Jesus say whatever but this coat it’s lately MY favourite to wear… still very much in FASHION . The oversized CUT bug collar laps and the bottle shape. I might look big .. yes so what BIG is beautiful.

featuring: Light Grey big oversized chunky midi coat By H&M, light oatmeal – grey chunky golf – polo neck crop jumper by ZARA at £12.99 , MINT GREEN tutu- tulle skirt by EBAY store at £9.99 , Oceanic Mint Green NIKE, geek light green glasses from soho boutique.

new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0006 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0009 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0011 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0012 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0017



new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0018 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0019 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0020

new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0004 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0005 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0012 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0015 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0021 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0022 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0024 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0027 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0029 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0030 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0031 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0032 new icons queen 3d printed frida art MINT green LMUW-0033

Na paczatku mojego posta cytuje kawalek z serialu ‘ PRZYJACIELE’ kiedy Ross wraz z Rachel spiewaja raperska dosyc mocno i ciekawa w slowach piosenke swojemu dziecku bo jak sie okazuje jest to jedyna rzecz ktora powoduje ze mala smieje sie w glos… a slowa mniej wiecej mowia o ‘duzej’ dupeczce…… wiec stad tytul posta DUZE I PIEKNE.

Wiem. Wiem . Obiecalam wiecej nie pisac dlugich historyjek o niczym lub smiesznych anegdont z zycia nie zwiazanych z moda. Obiecalam bo mi powiedziano ze posty sa za dlugie , nudne I nikt ich nie czyta. I mysalam ze dam rade pisac tylko same konkrety o modzie – jednakze sprawa ma sie tego typu ze tak jak jestem inspirowana moda tak I tez wiele tych moich STYLOWEK rodzi sie wlasnie podczas jakis zdarzen sytuacyjnych lub kojarza mi sie one wtedy kiedy patrze na GOTOWE zdjecia.

Prosta geneza dzisiejszego posta. Wszystko co mam na sobie jest za duze , za dlugie , obrzerne, luzne… Pommyslalam sobie .. Big too big…big & beautiful .. DUZE I PIEKNE… I w tej samej sekundzie nasunal mi sie ten uruwek z serialu.. MEGA smiechowe…nie ma tu nic o modzie… jest troszke humour… nawiazania do mojego ulubionego serial wszechczasow ktory znam od deski do deski…I jest MOJA STYLOWKA.

SELEDYNOWY kolor wraz z bardzo jasnym niebieskim beda krolowaly w te lato.

ZA DUZE plaszcze sa nadal wielkim hitem.

TRAMPKI – jogeersy – sportowe obuwie do ala eleganckiego ubioru to teraz juz MUS!!!!  

No I powstala taka sliczna. Super wygodna. FAJOWA stylowka 🙂

featuring:  Plaszczyk to H&M £49.99, spodniczka z ebaja £9.99, mojeg mege sliczne seledynowe OCEANIC Nike z Nike outlet £42.00 , wielki szary GOLF z ZARY £12.00, czapa z new looka za £1.00 * hahahahaha

Thank you for visiting. Dziekuje za wizyte.

Thank you for sharing. Dziekuje za dzielenie sie moim blogiem.

Thank your for your LIKES. Dziekuje za wasze likey-y.

Thank you for your comments. Dziekuje za komentarze.

I AM HERE to help – just ask !

Jestem po to zeby doradzic i pomoc wiec pytaj! 


The Spotlight on the Skirt.

Mini works every time but the TRENDS now are aiming for FULL midi skirts in a variety of bright colours. It is entirely up to you HOW you want to wear it as you can glamour it up with a high-heels or wear trainers or as you will see in a minute YOU can also wear it with Wellington boots….especially if you live in rainy London like I do. 

Featuring: Deep Green full midi shiny skirt by , Deep green metallic jumper by H&M , Beanie Gem stone hat by H&M , Green statement necklace via Ebay store £6.00,  Ralph Lauren Wellington boots bought in Westfield at Choice, rings are all from Ebay, FOSSIL green sport men’s watch.

if you want to SHOP my look – CLICK HERE

THE GREEN OUTFIT – skirt + jumper + hat + necklace ON Sale in my wardrobe boutique.

deep green midi full skirt LMUW AVSgreen statment necklace AVS LMUW

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Peter Pan

If you are expecting me dressed as a PIRATE then you are for a big disappointment.

This time round I had in mind something more settle something more for everyone  – something conservative  – something school – almost church like.

My tittle is referring to a  PETER PAN white COLLAR little black dress and my inspiration for that was one and only Audrey Hepburn.

Audrey Hepburn quotes LMUA avs fashion peter pan collar dress

  • Audrey Hepburn was a British actress and humanitarian. Recognised as a film and fashion icon, Hepburn was active during Hollywood’s Golden Age. Wikipedia , Born: May 4, 1929, IxellesDied: January 20, 1993, Tolochenaz, Switzerland

This post is a tribute to Audrey Hepburn.

Girlie school like black and white collar outfits.

Audrey Hepburn Actress Audrey Hepburn was a British actress and humanitarian. Recognised as a film and fashion icon, Hepburn was active during Hollywood's Golden Age. Wikipedia Born: May 4, 1929, Ixelles Died: January 20, 1993, Tolochenaz, Switzerland Full name: Audrey Kathleen Ruston Children: Luca Dotti, Sean Hepburn Ferrer Spouse: Andrea Dotti (m. 1969–1982), Mel Ferrer (m. 1954–1968)

Featuring: Peter Pan white collar dress, BUY IT HERE  , White Pearls necklaces, quilted clutch, Zara patent ankle boots, many similar still in ZARA stores on sale now, Dragon earcuff, OUTFIT total costs £55

I prepared 2 option and evening one and second one for work.
#peterpancollardress #whitecollar #retro #mini #lbd #LMUW #AVS #Fashionblogger #londonfashion #ootd #streetstyle #blackandwhite #earcuff #dragon #accessories #Aundreyhepbrun

!   201412 !   201413 !   201414 !   201415 !   201416 !   201417

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Firstly let me explain the tittle of my post : RINGER : one that strongly resembles another. 

My inspiration for that post and the general idea of a *RINGER – double – mirror – twin – sort of category was a TV US drama show under the same tittle or ANY MOVIE  involving ‘double act’ for that matter.

There is something about TWINS that for some ‘unknown’ reason I really like. I even like it that much that I wouldn’t mind giving birth to them 🙂  this is a little obsession of mine lately…

Twins Mirror Ringer doppelganger LMUW AVS Fashionb BLOG

Featuring: H&M lace cocktail evening dress 1 in GREY and 1 in Pink-Black overlay. These dresses were sold out few years back . Sadly I am not an owner of those 2 beauties no no no …..I own the grey dress the Pinky – Black one I borrowed from my cousin DAGA 🙂 THANK YOU DASIU!!!!!

H&M Lace coctail dress LMUW AVS fashion blog

Agi & Victoria 

Mirror RINGER twins LMUW avs !   2014 !   20141 !   20142 !   20143 !   20144 !   20145
inger is a show that debuted during the 2011-2012 Season staring Buffy the Vampire Slayer veteran Sarah Michelle Gellar. Thrilling drama presenting 2 different lives of TWIN SISTERS, Bridget and Siobhan.
Please share me. Like me. Comment. Ask questions. If YOU need any HELP with fashion am here to assist you.

Czerwony Kapturek

Little Red Riding Hood / Czerwony Kapturek


We all know this book by Charles Perrault.

  • Little Red Riding Hood, or Little Red Ridinghood, also known as Little Red Cap or simply Red Riding Hood, is a French and later European fairy tale about a young girl and a Big Bad Wolf. Wikipedia
  • Czerwony Kapturek – baśniowa postać, mała dziewczynka nosząca czerwone nakrycie głowy, wywodząca się z baśni ludowych, a opisana po raz pierwszy przez Charles’a Perraulta w 1697 roku w książce Bajki Babci Gąski. Postać Czerwonego Kapturka pojawiła się w niezliczonej ilości powieści, filmów, opowiadań dla dzieci czy skeczy i jest powszechnie znana w Europie.
    Lately I am inspired and HOOKED to shop on this website : and so all of my latest shopping and OUTFITS ideas are from there.

Featuring: RED midi skater shiny skirt BUY here, Black angora crop mohair jumper with RED glittery hart by Miss Selfridge, Grey beanie by H&M, Black – RED ankle socks by Ebay store, ZARA leather strappy sandals, overhead headphones by Ebay store, BLACK SILVER police watch, Grey long gloves by H&M.


You can see some of the RED outfits on last night GOLDEN GLOBES 2014.


Golden Globes czerwony Kapturek LMUW AVS

Czerwony Kapturek LMUW & AVS

red midi tafta skater skirt LMUW AVS

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